A 64:1 herbal leave-on finishing rinse that makes up to 64 gallons. Since DP76� is safe on FLEA & TICK bites it is a must for summer season. DP76� is safe for puppies, kittens and you too. DP76� is made with ingredients that have been used for years by naturalist. DP76� is super safe for hot spots and itchy scaled skin. DP76� is an all-natural rinse, with no toxic pesticides or germicides. DP76� will leave a pleasant smell for about 14 days. Made With: Eucalyptus, Grapefruit seed extract, Witch hazel, Balm Mint extract and other natural oils, herbs and extracts.
DP76 Flea Dip by Kelco 64:1 - 11.7oz
SKU: KE303912